push notifications

Best Practices Part 3: Push Notifications

Push Notifications have earned the third slot in our series of Best Practices for outreach and engagement. Why are they so lucky? Well, they can guarantee your audience will see your message directly on their devices.

Push Notifications

Sometimes all we need is that final "push" to take the next step. From a newly uploaded sermon series, a new blog post, or a reminder of the community BBQ, push notifications provide an effective way of updating your community immediately anytime, anywhere. By updating users on resources, events, services, and more, push notifications allow users to take advantage of opportunities to help them grow in both their faith and community.

One way we've seen churches and ministries use push notifications is for the purpose of sending reminders for upcoming events. Both The Gospel Coalition and Harvest Ministries have sent out reminders of their upcoming conferences, while others have sent out reminders of gathering times and places. Whatever the event, resource, or opportunity, push notifications enable you to get more people involved with a direct and visible message on their device.

Happy notifying, and stay tuned for part 4

2014 Year-in-Review

2014 was a year of hard work, innovation, a drive to create beautiful software, and of course some fun along the way. We feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with an amazing group of people, not to mention the best clients around. As we're reflecting on the year, here's a glimpse into some of the things we were up to at Subsplash. Drumroll please... 

We built, updated, and refreshed our product offering...


There were some new additions to the team! 

We camped together, BBQ'd together, played soccer together, drank lots of Starbucks together, dressed up in costumes together, and a lot of other togethers. 

And we can't forget our new sign and kitchen revamp... it's official! 

Happy New Year! 



Client Spotlight: Breakaway Ministries

Client Spotlight: Breakaway Ministries

With 10,000 college students attending Breakaway Ministries on any given Tuesday night, it’s a no brainer that God is doing great things on the campus of Texas A&M. Led by Ben Stuart and his team, Breakaway is a weekly college ministry that gathers students together, shares the good news of Jesus, and helps connect them with the local church. Being a long-time fan of Breakaway and having been blessed by their podcast during my college years, I was incredibly excited to speak with them about their ministry, and how they’re using their app to spread the Gospel.

Does Your School Have an App?

In today’s world, mobile and tablet use is rapidly growing and becoming more integrated into our everyday lives.  With over 6 billion mobile phones worldwide, 195 million tablets sold in 2013, and “nomophobia”- the fear of being without a mobile device- being a common occurrence in today’s culture, this growth is no surprise.

So what does this mean for today’s schools and educational communities?