
Reaching Millennials for Jesus (Part 2)

After taking a closer look at who millennials are and what their impact is on society in part 1 of this series, we are going to explore some specific ways to reach them in your context. 

1. Ask questions

Despite popular belief, millennials are able to hold a conversation with people face to face! Thankfully, learning from millennials doesn't require you to make any significant changes. By asking younger people in your congregation some simple questions, you might learn a lot!

Some questions to ask might be...

  • What are your daily mobile habits? How often and when are you using your mobile phone?
  • What are your favorite apps?
  • How do you keep up with your news and information?
  • If you were trying to communicate with our church, what do you think would grab people's attention?

2. Get millennials to volunteer at your church

Looping young people into different service teams at your church can be a big benefit to you and to them. This will provide a direct line of communication between leadership and the younger people at your church, and it will give you some insight into their daily mobile habits, not to mention give them the opportunity to share any ideas or contribute any important information to you about what their needs are as members of your community.

3. Don't change your message, but the way it's communicated

We absolutely need churches to continue to preach the Gospel message, regardless of how different groups receive it, but it is important to evaluate the tools you are using to do that. What's out of date? Is everything user-friendly? Are the people in your community having a poor experience with the technology you use on a Sunday and throughout the week?

4. Help millennials feel like they are part of the mission/story

One important distinction when it comes to millennials is that they love to be a part of the story that organizations and brands are telling. This is why brands like TOMs and others like it have been successful in marketing to millennials.

As you seek to encourage millennials to be involved with your church, tell the story of the Gospel in a compelling way and try to communicate that they are very much a part of it. Not only that, but communicate the mission of your church in your specific context often, and invite them to be on mission with you.

5. Use your app

Customized apps make communication simple. And with simplicity, ease, and intuitiveness being a huge draw for millennials when it comes to engaging with content, using your app to reach millennials (or building one if you don't have one yet) will make a huge impression when trying to reach this audience.

Have more questions about reaching millennials? One of our mobile consultants put on an awesome webinar that explores these topics ever more. Check it out!


If you have any questions get in touch with us about creating your mobile app! 

Reaching Millennials for Jesus

What is a millennial?

The term "millennial" refers to the generation born between 1982 and 2004. This group of young people is the first to be born in a dominantly digital world, so it's no surprise they are usually associated with knowing and loving technology. 

There are more than 76 million millennials in the US alone, and millennials make up the most diverse and largest generation in history. What an incredible opportunity for the Church to engage such an influential group!

How are churches blocked in reaching millennials?

Most millennials are used to immediate and convenient access to almost everything. The Church has a unique opportunity to use the channels that are most likely to reach them, namely platforms that they interact with all the time like social media and apps, in an effort to engage them.

When churches don't take millennials preferences and tendencies into consideration, they struggle to engage with them in meaningful ways. By being slow to adopt new technology and methods of communication, the church is less effective in reaching this generation. Millennials have grown up with smartphones, so a customized app is the most effective way to reach them.

What can you do?

There are some very practical things you can do to take steps towards meaningful interactions with millennials. Here are 5 ways that we will unpack in part 2 of this series! 

1. Ask questions

2. Get millennials to volunteer at your church

3. Don't change your message, but the way it's communicated

4. Help millennials feel like they are part of the mission/story

5. Use your app


Get in touch with us to learn more!