Ways To Encourage Your Pastor To Go Mobile

Whether you're just an attendee or a staff member, it can be challenging to push for new ideas and initiatives at your church when time and resources are limited. And let's face it, change is scary!

While churches are increasingly embracing technology and influential church leaders are inviting pastors to consider how they can utilize technology to reach their congregation, it can still take some convincing for church leaders to get on board with the switch from more traditional methods, to adopting newer ones. 

To help you out, we've put together a list of a few tips on how to convince your pastor that it's time to go mobile!

Show them the facts

With 2.2 million mobile device users globally, developing a mobile app strategy is the most effective way to reach people with the good news of the Gospel. Not only that, but mobile users spend nearly 3 hours every day on their smartphones, and a staggering 89% of time spent by users on mobile is in an app

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These numbers speak loud and clear: if you want to reach people, the best way to do it is on their mobile devices. With all of the great content your church creates, developing a mobile strategy will get your sermons, music, and blog posts in the hands of more people.

Share the benefits

We like to talk about five main benefits of creating a customized mobile app:

  • Deeper engagement from your community with content that is easy to add in the Subsplash Dashboard
  • Enhanced presence by having your app available in every app store, and on all devices
  • Saved time and resources by providing a quick, secure mobile giving solution with Subsplash Giving
  • Simplify your process by housing all of your content in the Subsplash Dashboard, and tracking your analytics in one place
  • Showcase your brand by presenting your media in a beautifully designed app and unparalleled mobile experience.

We have some other tips for you that will involve your active participation in setting up an app for your church or ministry. Stay tuned for part two of this series!